"The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint...even fools are thought wise if they keep silent."~Proverbs 17:27-28
We live in a noisy world. Our culture is characterized by a cacophony of voices, usually loud and opinionated. Self-expression is glorified to an unhealthy and unbalanced level. The resulting chaos leads to anxiety, strife, and overwhelm.
But God's ways are different. His wisdom brings peace and calm. How do we embody God's wisdom? I believe scripture reveals wisdom's core distinction as quietness.
Wisdom is born out of a quiet heart. A quiet heart is reverent and humble before its Maker, and this is the beginning of wisdom. The fruits of wisdom are also rooted in quietness. A quiet mouth promotes peace, only speaking words that soothe and heal.
If we want to get wisdom that comes from heaven, the first thing to do is get quiet.
Prayer: Jesus, teach me to reduce the noise in my life. Help me turn off the voices of the world. I choose a quiet heart, a calm landscape to receive the seed of wisdom. Amen.
Weekly Practice: This week, practice staying quiet and listening to another person when you feel tempted to blurt out your opinion.
by Heather J. Willis, author