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Hello, my name is Heather...

My writing focuses on spiritual insights inspired by the "Book of Nature" and everyday life experiences. Since childhood I have found God in the midst of his creation, and I try to capture these glimpses by using words to paint pictures. 


In our fragmented world, I believe we can fight for wholeness by learning to be quiet, attentive and spending time in nature. These practices train our spiritual ear to hear God. My desire is to shed light on the path as we sojourn together. My hope is that my writing will serve you, my readers, by bringing you peace, healing, and inspiration, and that we would learn together to notice beauty and spread light.


I studied English literature and creative writing (B.A.) at Eastern Nazarene College in Quincy, MA. I've been married over thirty years to my best friend, Paul, who has been a pastor for fifteen of those years. We live, work, and homeschool together with our daughter, sharing our wooded neighborhood with deer, red fox, barred owl, red-shouldered hawks, and two bald eagles.


 On any given morning you will find me with a cup of coffee, a cat on my lap, my Bible open to Psalms, and a lit candle symbolizing attentiveness to God as a new day dawns.


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